Welcome to the Blue Light Symphony Orchestra shop where you can buy our great merchandise whilst raising money to improve the mental health of UK emergency services workers.
The BLSO is the UK's only orchestra for all blue light personnel. As well as providing opportunities for emergency services personnel to get together and play music, we also aim to fund music and arts therapies for 999 workers suffering from PTSD, stress and anxiety. By buying one of our exclusive products, you will be helping us to improve the mental health of those who put themselves in harms way to protect us.
I am delighted to be associated with BLSO and was immediately attracted to its mission when founder and conductor Seb Valentine reached out.
The idea that these first responders would get together to play joyful music restores my soul. Indeed music has been my principle coping mechanism since my very earliest memory.
From Beethoven to The Beatles, Mozart to Madness, Pavarotti to Pink Floyd - I have music on wherever I go. I could not do my job without it (and certainly not my commute!)
Seb Valentine
CEO of the BLSO
The Blue Light Symphony Orchestra is a registered charity whose aims are to promote and support music-making in the emergency services to aid mental well being and to promote the use of music therapy to treat serious mental health problems such as PTSD, chronic stress and anxiety.
We are the UK's only orchestra for Emergency Services personnel. Our players are drawn from the UK's Police, Fire and Ambulance services, as well as the military, Mountain Rescue, Cave Rescue and the RNLI.